Purging the Rot

February 14, 2011 § Leave a comment

So I just found out that Arcade Fire’s The Suburbs was named the best album of the year. This means one of two things: good music is finally getting recognized by people other than 16-28 year olds or I’m the one getting old and liking what the old people like. Either way though, they totally deserve it. Great band. Check them out.

I bring that up mostly because the things that I’m jettisoning on this fine Valentine’s Day is rotten, moldy stuff from my fridge. Things that don’t need to be photographed.

However, I did purge something else from my life today. Negativity about Valentine’s Day. I feel like I embraced it, enjoyed it and had some good laughs with friends and I even received a single red rose. It doesn’t mean I didn’t bust a few jokes out today, but you know what, life is better when you’re not a sour lemon (which frankly is one of the things I am throwing out this evening).

So Happy Valentine’s Day to all of your lovers out there. And a very Happy Valentine’s Day to those of you who aren’t lovers.

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